Title: Covered stent treatment of an extracranial internal carotid artery pseudoaneurysm in a 3 years-old child with 12-years follow-up; Case report


Introduction: Extracranial internal carotid artery (ICA) pseudoaneurysmsin children, although uncommon, are life-threatening. Covered stents are a good alternative treatment, as they avoid the risk of open surgery and preserve the internal carotid artery.Long- term outcomes were unknown until recently. Report: In August 2008, a 3-years-old child was treated with a covered stent for a pseudoaneurysm in the extracranial ICA. A long-term follow up is presented. Results: The child was discharged with full recovery and without neurological sequelae. He has been followed-up and has remained asymptomatic for 12 years, with CTA- confirmed internal carotid artery patency, without deformation or evidence of significant re- stenosis. Conclusion: This the first report of the long-term outcome of a covered stent in a child treated at 3 years of age, with a 12-year follow-up. The good performance of the covered stent in this case reinforces its adoption as a first-line option in the treatment of extra cranial ICA pseudoaneurysms in children.

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