Title: Focused echocardiography in the perioperative period


POCUS is a critical diagnostic tool in the acute care setting, allowing clinicians to rapidly assess cardiac function in the context of the patient's clinical condition. POCUS performed by anaesthesiologists significantly impact the clinical management of patients scheduled for noncardiac surgery. Clinical findings were confirmed by follow-up formal transthoracic >90% of the time and no severe aortic stenosis, severe ventricular dysfunction, or significant pericardial effusion were missed. In the perioperative period, POCUS allows for the anaesthesiologist as a perioperative physician to check for coexisting diagnosis, categorize shock, respiratory failure, and ongoing effects of therapeutic treatments. Real time physiologic data reflect dynamic changes in response to medical therapies and follow the evolution of critical illness by serial examinations, allowing for the integration of POCUS findings into a complete management plan. This brief report aims to identify the indications, clinical impact on management decisions, andperioperative focused cardiac ultrasound accuracy in patients scheduled for non-cardiac surgery.


Anahita Dabo-Trubelja is Clinical Member in the Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in NYC. She serves as Director of Onco-Anesthesia Fellowship Program and Director of POCUS, a program she initiated. Her interest focuses on promoting Onco-Anaesthesiology as a subspecialty and integrating POCUS into daily practice to guide management in the perioperative period.

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